Single X-ray method that can distinguish between normal and delayed CTT in both men and women
Clinically, the Transit-Pellets method is suitable to use in patients presenting with symptoms where a transit disturbance may be of pathophysiological and clinical importance, including chronic constipation and chronic diarrhea.
The severity of the transit problem is quantifiable by the transit test and the result may be an important variable; it may facilitate the decision on further diagnostic procedures, it effects the choice of therapy and long-term prognosis.
Segmental and total colonic transit time is calculated according to the distribution of the markers in the different segments of the bowel. The transit time is equal to the total number of retained markers divided by the daily dose, which results in a colonic transit time value that is compared with normal values.
Segmental transit time; upper reference values
Transit-Pellets method can:
Measure rapid, normal and slow colonic transit 1, 2 | |
Differentiate between slow transit and normal transit constipation 3, 4, 5 | |
Identify segmental colon dysfunction in patients with constipation 3 | |
Differentiate between normal and rapid transit diarrhea 6, 4 | |
Identify treatment effects in patients with chronic constipation 7 |
The device is for a chronic or severe state, where the initial treatment has not resolved the abdominal discomfort, such as
- In patients with chronic constipation and used to aid in differentiating slow and normal constipation
- In patients with chronic diarrhea to determine if the dysfunction is linked to abnormally rapid or to normal transit rate
- In patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) with troublesome constipation or troublesome diarrhea
Schematic figure: Female patient with 27 markers in the colon (10 tube, 17 ring formed). Transit-time is 2.7 days, i.e. normal.
Principles of Operation
The device is prescribed by a physician for the patient to administer the device at home. The device is taken in a transparent HPMC capsule and passes through the mouth, throat and gastrointestinal tract. It is not surgically invasive.
On day seven, the patient undergoes an X-ray examination or fluoroscopy in a clinic. Based on the number of retained markers and their position a colonic transit time is calculated and compared to reference values.
The principle for the execution of colonic transit test with Transit-Pellets method and Transit-Pellets™ radiopaque markers:
Times specified above are examples only.
The radiology examination should be scheduled 12 hours after the evening dose day six.
Medifactia Transit-Pellets® GI Monitoring System
Creating a New Standard when Evaluating
Colonic Transit Time
Fully integrated Analysis and Reporting in
Research and Clinical Routine
Medifactia Transit-Pellets® GI Monitoring System offers radiologists and physicians an online solution so that they can quickly determine what needs their attention! Colonic transit time is calculated as the mean oro-anal transit time (OATT). TOTAL and SEGMENTAL transit dysfunction in the colon can be evaluated.
A structured assessment using Transit-Pellets radiopaque markers and GI Monitoring System is an important step to plan further diagnostic procedures, it effects the choice of therapy and long-term prognosis.
GI Monitoring System supports reporting unfamiliar and complex cases. The consistent structure ensure that your reports continue to be consistently high and improves communication with referring physicians and patients.
Structured reporting is a viable option in clinical routine and GI Monitoring System is there to support you in your work! No matter whether you currently work with free-text dictations or type your reports, we are convinced that you are going to be faster with CTT Reporting System.
Our browser based, vendor-neutral system does not require any installation. You can generate the report directly at your workstation without entering any sensitive patient data. Reports are never shared or publicly accessible.
Contact Us. We’re here to help!
Diana Nyström
+46 (0) 8-460 072 06